From archives of SHAT, (Historical service of Army, in Paris) my father's unit went to:

10th  June :Vetralla,

17th June : Aquapendente, (near Lac of Bolsena)

23rd June : Radicofani and Arcidosso

27th June : Castle of Porrona

30th June: Castiglione del Bosco,

3rd and 4th July : military ceremony in Sienna

from 5th to 10th July : Roma et reception by the Pope, Pie XII

11th July to 1st August: Naples, castle of Bacoli

1st to 10th  August: Tarente. Boarding to a mysterious destination...which is….

From : http://mapage.noos.fr/4edmm/emcfi.htm


SIENNE 4 juillet 44


My father soon becomes an "officer's chauffeur". He drives a Command Car. His unit (Etat Major #75, commanded by general de Larminat) enters Tunisia in January (1/3/44). During winter, they receive US weapons, cars and guns, clothes and jeeps . They train on US material.

In January 44, general Alphonse Juin takes the commandment of a French new army: The CEFI, Corps Expeditionnaire français en Italie: French Expeditionary Corp in Italy. They reach Naples- Italy by boat on the John W. Brown.

In may 44, General de LARMINAT commands a "Corps de Poursuite", (Pursuit Corp), to "push" the Germans out of Italy. Roma, Bolsena, Radicofani, Sienna.

My father drives the Colonel THUAIRE, commander of the "2nd Bureau" (Information about enemy). He has 3 friends who are "officer's chauffeur" . One of them is still alive, I met him in December 2004.


SIENNA Italy 7/4/44

A Jeep Willys,  my father (left)

and his 3 friends. You can see the French Cross of Lorraine.

General de Monsabert in Sienna

Boarding in Tarente (South Italy)